We boast an illustrious list of faculty and alumni in all areas of focus. Most importantly, we have consistently held fast to a core philosophy of fostering creativity and critical thinking in an open, experimental, and interdisciplinary environment. At SFAI, we educate artists who will become the creative leaders of their generation.
San Francisco Art Institute provides its students with a rigorous education in the fine arts and preparation for a life in the arts through an innovative, intensive studio environment; a vital liberal arts experience; and engagement with the world at large. SFAI also strives to be a leader in promoting awareness of the relevance of the arts in contemporary culture.
To fulfill this mission, SFAI:
SFAI is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design.
SFAI was first accredited on April 30, 1954. The first BFA degrees were awarded in 1955; the first MFA degrees were awarded in 1958.
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