We are pleased to announce the second edition of G-tokyo, G-tokyo 2011, an art fair focusing exclusively on the presentation of contemporary art by a select group of leading Tokyo based commercial gallery spaces. The second edition of G-tokyo will again take place in the cultural district of Roppongi Hills, within the Mori Arts Center Gallery. G-tokyo 2011 will offer seasoned and beginning art collectors an extremely rare opportunity to experience the diversity of the Japanese contemporary art world within the highly concentrated frame of a single space over the course of 2 days*. Ambitious in scope, the fair participants will present both emerging and contemporary Japanese masters while providing an international context through the presentation of work by established and younger artists from abroad. A unique event within a global art fair context, G-tokyo 2011 will, in contrast to the dominant bazaar model, consist exclusively of solo artist presentations and carefully curated projects more appropriately suited to the intimate environment and museum context in which the event will take place.
*New to the 2011 edition of G-tokyo is the innovative addition of an EXHIBITION WEEK to follow the primary 2 day fair period. Intended to provide visitors a suitably relaxed atmosphere, outside of the intense initial period of acquisition related concerns, the EXHIBITION WEEK will afford attendees an opportunity to consider at leisure the exhibition quality gallery presentations.
Building upon the extraordinary growth in interest and support for contemporary art within Japan, G-tokyo 2011 aims to enhance the art of collecting for an international audience.
Saturday 19, Sunday 20, February, 2011 [art fair]
Time: 11:00 - 21:00
Monday 21 - Sunday 27, February 2011 [exhibition week]
11:00 - 20:00 (Friday 25 and Saturday 26, 11:00 - 21:00)
One fine body…
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