The traditionally distinct white cubed galleries are getting schooled by the broader vision of innovators Christian "Meeloo" Gfeller and Anna Hellsgård.
February 2008 they opened the doors to Bongout Gallery located in Berlin's Mitte, a place where contemporary art meets graphic, chance and underground art as well as numerous forms of sound and visual cultures. Here they have been able to showcase the many colors of their vision.
Over the last 15 years, Gfeller and Hellsgård have been running a silkscreen workshop & Graphic design studio. Inside this atelier, the two regularly join forces with artists and designers to create limited edition, hand printed artist books.
It was from this publishing studio foundation, that together they spawned Bongout Gallery. Here they showcase not only the original artworks within the printed catalogues, but give rise to a platform of dialogue and collaboration between artists and designers.
Bongout has matured from a small studio into a broad interactive network, which has been a springboard for visionary ideas. This is a community that supports exploration in visual and non-visual art, such as music, album covers, posters, motion graphics, video, performance, and installation.
The works reflect Bongout and Bongout reflects the work. Join us as we build bridges that expand past the confines of contemporary art.
Please check back often to the website as there are always new collaborations to discover.
Torstraße 110, 10119 Berlin, Germany
New summer opening hours: Tu-Sa, 1 - 7 PM
Contact: info [at]
Tu-Sa, 12 - 07 PM
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