ZEPHYR is one of the very few public spaces for photography and related media in Germany. This allows us to create a program which is not only geared to the mercantilism of the art market but also presents thrilling though overseen tendencies in photography. ZEPHYR is funded by the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen (rem gGmbH) and the City of Mannheim. Since spring 2005 ZEPHYR offers a wide program of international photography and media in solo-, group- and theme based shows in its space or in the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen. In fall 2010 ZEPHYR opened its new spaces in the "Museum Bassermann-House for Music and Arts".
One fine body…
TheArtKey.com 网站是由一家瑞士传媒公司--艺术之匙传媒(Artkey Media Inc.,)创建, 旨在于为艺术家、艺术收藏家,及所有艺术爱好者和经营者提供交流的平台。 我们拥有一个能胜任此项任务的强大团队,包括艺术家、 艺术鉴赏家、IT 专家、编辑、企业家和市场营销人员。
地址:ArtKey Media AG Gewerbestrasse 5CH - 6330 Cham
电话:+41 (0)41 511 41 50
传真:+41 (0)41 511 41 57