After ten years of existence, Galeria Vermelho has already established itself as one of the main points of creation and dissemination of contemporary art in Brazil. More than just an exhibition space, Vermelho catalyzes what's latest and innovative contemporary art and emerges as an alternative to the rigidity of other spaces dedicated to art, encouraging new ideas and discourses developed by emerging and established artists.
Artists: Gabriela Albergaria, Jonathas de Andrade, Claudia Andujar, Iván Argote, Rafael Assef, Dora Longo Bahia, Nicolás Bacal, Chiara Banfi, Leya Mira Brander, Rodrigo Braga, Cadu, Henrique Cesar, Marcelo Cidade, Lia Chaia, Marilá Dardot, Chelpa ferro, Cia de Foto, Carmela Gross, Maurício Ianês, Clara Ianni, Enrique Ježik, André Komatsu, Detanico Lain, João Loureiro, Cinthia Marcelle, Odires Mlászho, Fabio Morais, Gisela Motta & Leandro Lima, Guilherme Peters, Rosângela Rennó, Dias & Riedweg, Nicolás Robbio, Marco Paulo Rolla, Daniel Senise, Ana Maria Tavares, Carla Zaccagnini