Anna Nova art gallery is two-storeyed exhibition space in the center of St.-Petersburg. Two halls on a ground floor and the big hall above allow artists to not limit to a floor scales of the plans and to work with various kinds and genres of art. Whether it be picturesque series, volumetric installations or the video-art. Primary activity of gallery is directed on an embodiment and presentation of new ideas of sign characters of the Russian art-stage. Artists of gallery are bright representatives of art of the beginning of XXI century; besides personal exhibitions in Petersburg, the gallery represents the artists at large Russian and international fairs. Curators of exhibition projects of gallery are leading experts of the State Hermitage and the contemporary art's department of the Russian museum, well known Petersburg art-critics and art historians. The gallery actively works with young artists. Since 2006 competition is spent "New projects for gallery Anna Nova". The most interesting works chosen by competitive jury, show within the limits of a final exhibition, and winners already have in the creative biography personal exhibitions in Anna Nova art gallery. In 2008 a theme for artists became the russian artist Paul Filonov's creativity; in 2006 - the recent past of Petersburg.
Also the gallery cooperates with collectors and assists in formation of personal collections of the newest art (as a variant - to consultation of fans of art at a choice of pictures of artists for interiors). In October, 2008 in a cellar of the gallery the club has opened, where it is possible to spend art actions and meetings of fans of art. The artist from any corner of Russia or even the world can appear among those who plays leaging roles in creation of unusual shape of the Petersburg art of 2000th years.
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