Ehab Aziz Born on April, 1967 - Cairo, Egypt.
Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University- Bachelor Degree of Applied Arts, section of Interior and Furniture Design - Cairo, Egypt.
- Certified Interior Designer College - Berlin, Germany.
- Master degree study in History of arts and Archaeology - Regensburg University - Germany.
- Multimedia Digital Publishing, Macro Media Academy
Munich, Germany.
- Marketing - Adult education of Landshut city.
- Graphic and Web designer - self employment.
- Lecturer in various academies.
- Interior designer - Architect Office B. D. Rinner,
- Interior designer - Greece, Athens.
Single and group exhibitions in Egypt, Germany, Greece, Singapore und USA
- Several books published and participation in international
media art awards.
- Web Talent - Germany, June 2001
- "The belated satisfaction" poem and photo, Cairo + Landshut
- SWR and ZKM project "control space" animation on the
- Performance "hard-hearted this morning" with
R. HH Biswurm and Heiko Lange
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