I consider myself an original Italian Artist. I was born in Milan, and since an early age I was surrounded and influenced by the artworks of the masters of the Renaissance: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Rafael and the Netherland artists. I have always had a passion for fairy tales and cartoons, and I like to create compositions that tell a story. I work with acrylics, soft pastels, ink and watercolors. I also lke to explore with differnt medias by cretaing collages and sculpters with clay. I am a a big fan of the Impresionists and the Fauvists, like Matisse. I'm also inspired by the artworks of Elisabeth Murray. With my compositions I like to stimulate the viewer's imagination and curiosity. I always try to create something new!
Art has always been around me. I grew up in Italy where everywhere is art. Art is in my blood.
Art lets you create new dimensions. With Art visions become tangible and imagination is a reality.
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