Enrico Somaré, editor and art critic, opened Galleria Milano in 1928. During the ten years that followed, the gallery closed shortly before Second World War, Somaré exposed Casorati, Wildt, Eleonor Fini, Sironi, Tosi, Tozzi, Manzù, Carrà and many others. Enrico Somare's sons, both painters, decided to reopen th gallery in 1964.
In 1965 Carla Pellegrini Rocca takes over and she still runs the gallery.During these years the gallery sets up almost 300 shows and exhibitions of artists and historical, contemporary and international avant garde. The gallery offers and give particular attention to modern and contemporary art aspects that are less known to the italian public, here are some examples: in the spring of 1966 an English Pop art exhibition, in 1969 “Irritarte” (Otto Muehl, Kudo etc.)curated by Lea Vergine, in 1971 and in 1972 two exhibitions "Il mondo della Non - Oggettività" as to say the various aspects of Abstract Art from 1924 to 1955. In 1974 “Mitologie Individuali” presented a group of young German artists like Baselitz, Polke, Palermo, Penk, Beuys, Darbhoven etc. that later on became protagonists of the art scene. Again in 1974 Edward Rucha and other West Coast artists and a Fred Sandback show. In 1976 Dada together with Arturo Schwartz, in 1980 Fontana and Architecture, in 1984 Shiraga and the Gutai Group. In 1995 Pino Pascali: “L’arte e il gioco nella pubblicità", and "Realismo Sociale nella Germania degli Anni 20”. In 1966 "La fotografia fra le due Guerre", 1998 "Ballet Russe" and in 2001 "La geografia degli artisti". In 2002 Alexander Brodsky's first italian show and in 2014 Carl Grossberg first solo show in Italy. A lot of research is done by the gallery by presenting specific shows where on "the way to do art".Among these shows we have to mention: “Opera ricerca e documento” , “Il contesto Dannunziano”, “Decostruzione del Quotidiano” e “L’avanguardia in Ungheria, 1919-1924”, "Riflessioni sugli effetti delle guerre” (da Goya a oggi), “Tuttolibri” by Lea Vergine, "Chi ha ancora paura del caso?". Starting from 2006 the gallery presents, every year in November, a concert on music written by Davide Mosconi. Besides contemporary artists, the gallery exposes regularly: Vincenzo Agnetti, Carlo Alfano, Aurelio Andrighetto, Arakawa, Gianfranco Baruchello, William Beckley, Alexander Brodsky, Antonio Calderara,Carl Grossberg, Fabio Mauri, Davide Mosconi, Magdalo Mussio, Gastone Novelli, Pino Pascali, Giò Ponti, Tancredi, Aldo Tagliaferro, Fred Sandback, Shiraga, Nanni Valentini, Luigi Veronesi, Roger Welch
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