Polarity is an expression of the philosophy for the relation mutually
of conditional dimensions,
a complementary
relation of contrasts.
Contrary as part of experience in all work out processes is important for me,
in order to give my own ideas expression of the opposite.
I take a look at developments and incidents, which move, picture them abstract expressive,
partly coded or directly and transport values to the viewer.
I work with contrasts in material, selection of colours and the topics,
in every way a exciting worth living artprocess.
Polarity says that every aspect of this world exists as a contrast pair: brightly – darkly, coldly – hotly, black - white, man – woman, love – hate, poor – rich, ill – healthy, etc. without an evaluation.
No pole is well or bad. The poles are two opposite ends of the same thing,
linked inseparably to a unity.
They cause each other. There is no day without night, no heat devoid of cold, there is no poverty without wealth.
Only by the polarity variety becomes possible and opens a scope
of undreamed possibilities.
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