Born Sale, Cheshire, England. Emigrated to South Africa in 1951 with parents at the age of 6. Returned to UK in 2007.
Mis intereses
at present painting but am trying to work up motivation to get my life back on track. Hopefully start up a business but suffering from menta blockages.
Me gusta:
Family, pets particularly dogs, sunshine, open spaces and quiet times to reflect .
Pessimism, generally politicians and Brussel sprouts
Mi aficiones:
painting, reading good books whatever they might be. Dog training. Trying to be creative.
Mi artista favorito:
definitely Vincent.
Mis libros de arte favoritos:
those with illustrations
Acerca de mi trabajo
Acerca del trabajo:
Most times too conservative and tend to be influenced by what others say. Having had no formal trainind every new painting is a road to discovery. Perhaps one day Ill shake off the shackles and push myself to the limit.
Mi estilo:
Happiest when using a lot of paint and working fast.
Mi concepto:
To produce works worthy of fair comment and hopefully sell some on a regular basis.
Trabajo con estos materiales:
oil on canvas.
Qué tipo de materiales prefiero:
definitely oil based oils. Have just experimented with water based oils but we are not on the same wave length- just can't get them to do what I want them to do.
¿Qué me inspira?:
Art as a means to be reunited with my family.
Mi obra favorita y por qué:
The various boots painted by Van Goch- perhaps I have a fetish about feet.
Mi mensaje:
That someday we wil reach 95 percent harmony. 100 percent would be asking too much.