Acerca de mi trabajo
Acerca del trabajo:
I do commisioned work, and I'm hoping to start selling some pieces.
Mi estilo:
I mainly do drawing and painting, but I'm always working with other media and trying out new things.
Mi concepto:
I think that it is important to keep trying, and it is our failures that make us better.
Trabajo con estos materiales:
pencil, pen, ink, charcol, watercolour, acrylic, clay, wax, paper, shells, feathers
Qué tipo de materiales prefiero:
pencil, pens, charcol, clay
¿Qué me inspira?:
my interests, other artists, photographs, books, films
Mi obra favorita y por qué:
simple and interesting things, they dont really have to be very big or very detailed
Mi mensaje:
art is my life now
Acerca del arte
Cómo me metí en el mundo del arte:
I've always been quite creative since I was younger, and really got into it at school, and I'm carrying on at college.
Lo que el arte significa para mí:
Art is everything to me. I find it so relaxing, enjoyable and interesting. It's such a big part of my life, and I seem to find art and creativity everywhere I go and in all aspects of my life.
Mis artistas favoritos:
I don't really have any favourites, its anything that interests me really.
La obra de arte más impresionante de otro artista:
I really don't know
Mis libros de arte favoritos:
Taschen books
Lo que ha cambiado en el mundo del arte durante los últimos años:
The way art is now a normal part of everyday life for most people in some way or another.