It's Anna, 18 years of age.
I love to create. I don't question whether my work is unique or quirky enough, they just happen.
Most of the time, I do not even know what I am going to create. I just put pencil to paper and the story tells itself.
Art used to be a hobby - but now it's my life. I endeavor to become an architect.
Мои интересы
Я люблю:
- painting with my music on
- meeting new people
- being messy
- being outspoken
- music and anything that comes under its category
- rain & hot chocolate
- reading
Я не люблю:
- toadiness
- too much sun
Мои увлечения:
- painting/doodling/drawing
- writing
- dancing
- argueing
- going out with friends
Мои любимые книги по искусству:
Basic Perspective - Rob G Will
О моей работе
О произведении:
Well what can I say?
I'm not a proffesional, I'm an ammateur. But I'm totally fine with that.
My art teacher once recommended that from time to time I should stand back and observe what I am doing, because my practical behaviour induces eccentric and perhaps deformed images XD
Мой стиль:
My ideas are rather demented. Perhaps twisted?
Мое представление :
My concept, in all honesty, is rather basic.
I never decide WHAT to draw, nor do I think about what I'm doing. When pencil touches paper, it draws itself.
Я работаю с этими сведениями :
- cotton buds
- paint brushes
- eyeliner
- pencil
- paints
- i sometimes paint on wood rather that canvas
Какие данные я предпочитаю:
I prefer acrylic paint because its texture is quite defined.
Water colours are quite irritating, but they set a could shade.
Что вдохновляет меня?:
My emotions. I paint better when I'm emotional - be it happy or sad.
Мое любимое произведение. Почему?:
Мое сообщение:
My message would be not to listen to me too much because I'm just a sixteen year old girl :)
But if I have learnt one significant lesson so far, it would be to go with the flow. Take it as it comes. And take risks, because if you don't, you'll always be eating yourself up with ''what if?''
Success doesn't find you, you find success. Try, try again, and try again after that :)
Об искусстве
Как я попал в мир искусства:
How did I get into art?
I was young, I picked up a pencil and it followed on from that.
Что значит для меня искусство:
I don't like this question. If I say everything, then I sound narrow-minded. If I don't, then I'm a liar.
Art is my way of expressing myself, it is the subject that allows me to be right - no matter what I decide to perform.
Мои любимые художники:
Произведение другого художника, наиболее впечатлившее меня :
So far I'd say the naked picture of Rose in titanic :)
Мои любимые книги об искусстве:
Basic Perspective
Что изменилось в мире искусства:
In my opinion, there is a constant fashion to art. This is perhaps due to the wide range and variety of different styles. However, more onto the economic side of things, I see that too many people are taking Graphic Art to university, and thus the value of it is downsizing.
STOP HOGGING ART! I want a bloody job and you're all taking what is left!!!!