In 1980 I went to Italy and lived in the ligurian forest for some weeks. The amazing adventure was, sitting in the forest in front of a little pond, I watched nature for a while and I was overwhelmed by it’s beauty.Every big or little stone, every plant, the moving of the water, the colors of heaven, the sun and each detail like a root a leaf a flower is an artwork by itself. So I thought all the arts is already done in nature, there is nothing more to add. So what can I do, I want to be an artist. Actually most of the artworks I did since then have that sense of no sense and are done by not doing; created in a way like you collect shells on the seaside. And when it is done I feel exited what came out, surprised what it does with me, bringing me into a content state of enthousiasm, freedom, stillness and love.
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