"Float the High Seas" (高纬度漂流)

Liu Dao

On January 10th, 1992, a 40-foot long container holding rubber ducks and assorted other rubber bath toys was washed overboard the Ever Laurel in its path from Hong Kong to Washington State in the USA. In total, some 28,800 bath toys were released into the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Soon after, rubber ducks began bobbing up on Pacific shores. Tides brought in hoards of cheerful yellow ducks to the shoreline of Hawaii and roving bands of ducks began to be sighted off the eastern coast of the Gulf of Alaska later that year. Other more ambitious ducks travelled over 17,000 miles, floating up in arctic waters and into the Atlantic Ocean to the British shoreline, where they were spotted 15 years later. Others, perhaps more thoughtful ducks looking to make a larger historical impact, were caught in the Bering Strait, where they became embedded in Arctic pack ice. Perhaps when the Arctic ice melts and we’re all forgotten, some alien being will pluck a rubber duck from the top of glacier and suppose that this squeaky object was once revered by the forgotten peoples of earth.

MEDIA Surfboard, acrylic painting
DATE Made in island6, Shanghai 2014
SIZE 163(W)×50(L)×5.5(H) cm


Titolo: "Float the High Seas" (高纬度漂流)
Artista: Liu Dao
Categorie: Other