"Let's Make a Mosaic!" (我们做个马赛克吧!)

Liu Dao

Lets get right out there and do it. Let’s make a steamy wet sinewy morbid horrifying mosaic composed of our glowing, ground-up, lifeless lopped-off body parts and stringy guts. If we can properly coordinate this so that we hit the optimal speeds and collide at the perfect angle we’ll spread ourselves about in the most divine spackled splash of abstract artistry. Real virtuoso shit maybe. Emergency lights flashing to illuminate the gory film of shredded parts we used to rub against one another in these same back seats. Maybe our only proper critics will be the first responders, cops, paramedics and few lucky news people who arrive before they scrub and buff us off the pavement. That’s okay though. Because when I think about how the chips of your pearly front teeth might highlight and accentuate the deep pink and tan of my large intestine, set against the grainy black gravel canvas, I get the goose bumps. And I guess this might be the last time I a able to have those.

ARTIST Liu Dao 六岛
MEDIA Carpet
DATE Made in island6, Shanghai 2015
SIZE 180(W)×310(H)×1.8(D) cm


Title: "Let's Make a Mosaic!" (我们做个马赛克吧!)
Artist: Liu Dao
Year: 2015
Category: Other