Well Im from Maryland's Eastern Shore, pretty much born and raised. I have always been an artist...well from what my mom says. Graduated High School, went to college for a few weeks then dropped out to start a formal apprenticeship for tattooing. Finshed that, then been tattooing ever since. Needless to say tattooing is like a drug...it lead to other things. So then I started drawing flash and painting. I have traveled doing what I love to do. So my life is pretty much complete. If you have questions or something...drop me line or 2.
Mis intereses
Pretty much everything in the "I Like" section.
Me gusta:
I dig tattooing...its my fav. I been a professional for 6 years. In my off time I like to paint, draw, and do other things like skateboarding, drumming and traveling.
People with egos! And thats pretty much it.
Mi aficiones:
Painting, Tattooing, Drawing...Friends and Family, Ya dig?
Mi artista favorito:
My mom, no really shes a ballin artist.
Mis libros de arte favoritos:
Dont really like to read...but i dig articles in such magazines like Juxapox, Tattoo, Tattoo Intl., Savege etc.
Acerca de mi trabajo
Acerca del trabajo:
Well most of my work is based on American Traditional...which means old school tattoos. And some of my work is just crazy things i think of.
Mi estilo:
Well im not really sure of my style but you can put what ever label you want on it.
Mi concepto:
Yeah that too.
Trabajo con estos materiales:
Watercolor Paint and Pencils, Color Pencils, Charcoal, Ink and so on and so on.
Qué tipo de materiales prefiero:
Paint and Charcoal
¿Qué me inspira?:
Music and things I see.
Mi obra favorita y por qué:
I have no clue.
Mi mensaje:
Keep it real like a happy meal.
Acerca del arte
Cómo me metí en el mundo del arte:
Well i always was using crayons when i was a kid...then it just continue to grow as i got older.
Lo que el arte significa para mí:
Mis artistas favoritos:
All the Old school Tattoo Artists.
La obra de arte más impresionante de otro artista:
Capt. Colemans tattoo's...he change the way body is today.
Mis libros de arte favoritos:
All that i have read.
Lo que ha cambiado en el mundo del arte durante los últimos años:
More and More artist are coming into the scene, which i think is great because everybody views life different so there for everybody's art is different.