Michelangelo Rossi of Italian origin was born in
Switzerland in 1966.
Michelangelo has developed his skill both in Italy and
while living in England. Initially he started painting at
a very young age, where a rare talent was soon identified.
Through his love and dedication for his art he has reached high potentials and has become recognized for his abilities.
He has taken part in private and collective exhibitions and he’s becoming more and more well known in art galleries
His work has been exhibited in many cities to include,
London, Honk Kong, Barcelona, Rome, Cremona, Capri, Florence and he has had some of his paintings published into various brochures and magazines.
Thanks to his artistic mastery, his professionalism, his
Desire of overcoming the borders and his perfectionism, his work, today is in full expansion and is worth your interest.
Michelangelo Rossi continues to show his work in exhibitions both privately and publicly.