Verbergen - Eine Untersuchung zu Wasser und zu Land

(Friday) (Sunday)

Patrizia Karda: Die Sterne sind gar nicht so weit III, 2006
Installation with slide projections, cardboard boxes and gold spray

Katja Albers, Franz Bucher (BASIS), Stefan Burger, forschungsgruppe_f, Patrizia Karda, Andreas Lorenschat, Christoph Oberholzer, Alexander Odermatt (BASIS), Klaus Tinkel (BASIS), Till Velten, Andreas Wegmann (BASIS)


The second part of the exhibition series "Rauf Rüber Runter Untendurch" focuses on the hiding, the burrowing. Hiding as not-showing, concealing, dissimulating as well as the ephemeral, volatile, intangible and the unexplored mysterious. The misaligned view, meaning the disguised and the blocked view at the same time is the most crucial part in the exhibition. The curiosity to discover what one isn't supposed to see and to disenchant what bedazzles us is our subject for reasoning, even if we don't provide any answers.


Some things have to vanish to let others come into the picture, as the phenomena of the blind spot shows exemplary. "Fixate the stars until the point disappears and only the star remains visible", is what the cyberneticist Heinz von Förster advises his seminar audience to do to overcome the blind spot. The goal is to analyse the spots that are volatile and elude perception. Alongside the physiological explanation of the blind spot and its scientific facts this marvel has a political if not existential relevance. Does the insight that we do not know, what we see results in a loss of information or a gain of convergence? Who is excluded from which knowledge? If it is our partial blindness (we don't see the spot any more, so that we look at the stars) in the first place, that creates our cognition, how can we determine which part we see? How can we look around the mountain, or is there nothing to be found behind it? Does happiness lie in shielding or fixating and digging out? Ultimately, don't we relate truest to the mysterious, because there we have to employ our own distinct imagination?


"Rauf Rüber Runter Untendurch" is a curatorial series and explores in numerous group exhibitions, solo shows, interventions in the public space and in interviews the geographical proportionalities, cultural fictions and theoretical approaches concerning the subject mountain as individual and social reality.


"Rauf Rüber Runter Untendurch" is produced by Lillian Fellmann and Andreas Lorenschat.

Kunsthalle Luzern
6005 Luzern



Selection of further exhibitions in:

01.08.2016 - 01.01.2030
Landesmuseum Zürich
Museumstrasse 2

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01.01.2016 - 01.01.2030
Landesmuseum Zürich
Museumstrasse 2

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Verbergen - Eine Untersuchung zu Wasser und zu Land Kunsthalle Luzern Main address: Kunsthalle Luzern Bürgenstrasse 6005 Luzern, Kunsthalle Luzern Bürgenstrasse 6005 Luzern,

Patrizia Karda: Die Sterne sind gar nicht so weit III, 2006
Installation with slide projections, cardboard boxes and gold spray

Katja Albers, Franz Bucher (BASIS), Stefan Burger, forschungsgruppe_f, Patrizia Karda, Andreas Lorenschat, Christoph Oberholzer, Alexander Odermatt (BASIS), Klaus Tinkel (BASIS), Till Velten, Andreas Wegmann (BASIS)


The second part of the exhibition series "Rauf Rüber Runter Untendurch" focuses on the hiding, the burrowing. Hiding as not-showing, concealing, dissimulating as well as the ephemeral, volatile, intangible and the unexplored mysterious. The misaligned view, meaning the disguised and the blocked view at the same time is the most crucial part in the exhibition. The curiosity to discover what one isn't supposed to see and to disenchant what bedazzles us is our subject for reasoning, even if we don't provide any answers.


Some things have to vanish to let others come into the picture, as the phenomena of the blind spot shows exemplary. "Fixate the stars until the point disappears and only the star remains visible", is what the cyberneticist Heinz von Förster advises his seminar audience to do to overcome the blind spot. The goal is to analyse the spots that are volatile and elude perception. Alongside the physiological explanation of the blind spot and its scientific facts this marvel has a political if not existential relevance. Does the insight that we do not know, what we see results in a loss of information or a gain of convergence? Who is excluded from which knowledge? If it is our partial blindness (we don't see the spot any more, so that we look at the stars) in the first place, that creates our cognition, how can we determine which part we see? How can we look around the mountain, or is there nothing to be found behind it? Does happiness lie in shielding or fixating and digging out? Ultimately, don't we relate truest to the mysterious, because there we have to employ our own distinct imagination?


"Rauf Rüber Runter Untendurch" is a curatorial series and explores in numerous group exhibitions, solo shows, interventions in the public space and in interviews the geographical proportionalities, cultural fictions and theoretical approaches concerning the subject mountain as individual and social reality.


"Rauf Rüber Runter Untendurch" is produced by Lillian Fellmann and Andreas Lorenschat.

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