GALERIE FRANK FLUEGEL is focused on POP ART, Contemporary Art and Photography. The gallery was founded in 1999. After moving within Nuremberg the exhibition space is at the current adress on three floors since 2008. You will find us as well in the heart of Kitzbühel/Austria.
Changing Solo Shows expose different positions of our gallery program. We carry prints, lithographs, paintings, drawings and steelcuts by famous artists like Andy Warhol">Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselmann, Alex Katz, Keith Haring, Allen Jones, Julian Opie and many more. Gallery Frank Fluegel is one of the main sources in europe for Pop Art originals with network partners in London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and Singapore. Besides private collectors nearly all Pop Art galleries in europe are clients of us, so make sure to inquire with us if you are looking for something particular. Participating at international Art Fairs like Kunst Zurich every November completes our gallery task. We look forward seeing you!
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