The family business Galerie Walu has been focusing on the fascinating cultures of West Africa. The gallery has been established by René & Denise David in 1957 and is now owned by Jean David. Jean David has been dealing in African and Oceanic Art for over 30 years, during which time he has acquired an international reputation for quality and professionalism. He has been instrumental in the creation of numerous private collections formed in the last three decades as well as assisting museums in developing their holdings. This has involved trading for his own account but also providing general advice relating to purchasing, both privately and at auction, appraisal for both sale and insurance, conservation advice and assistance in the sale of Tribal works of art. The extensive activity and experience of Galerie Walu in the markets of North America, Europe and the Far East give the company a unique perspective on international market conditions so enabling their clients to maximise their opportunities for both buying and selling Tribal Art. - See more at:
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