TAP Gallery is an open-policy community art space providing a platform for all artists and community groups to voice their message. This includes emerging artists from the prominent local Arts Institutions close by, many ethnic community groups, charities and also the homeless and disadvantaged. TAP provides opportunity for these groups to have a voice, gain invaluable experience for the future and opportunities to raise funds. They are afforded freedom of expression; are given the opportunity to communicate to a wider audience, and in so doing, helps shift and broaden public awareness. TAP’s guiding philosophy and policy is to be inclusive of all.
TAP is an Incorporated Association (NON Profit) run by a steering committee who manage the space on a volunteer basis, to administrate, oversee maintenance of the space, and help the artist present & promote their work through TAP’s comprehensive website.
TAP Gallery operates principally as an art gallery, and also stages drawing classes, film nights & occasional performance. The art gallery is open daily 12-6pm and is free to the public (50 hours/week). The performances are intermittent & often linked to the themed art exhibitions.
TAP has a long history of participating in many local community programs. Situated in Sydney’s Darlinghurst, this ‘village’ includes much of the gay and lesbian community and is an area rich with art institutions, art students, practicing artists and creative services.
Ethnic groups who have utilize TAP include:
Rumanian Art Festival opened by the Consulate General
Estonian Art & Craft Festival opened by the Consulate General
Norwegian Government featuring students studying in Australia
(The Prime Minister of Norway was our special guest)
Korean Australian Art Society (AAKA)
Serbian artist community in Sydney with the Consulate General
Charities who utilize Tap regularly are: Amnesty International, Pink Ribbon, White Ribbon,
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